Lets improve together
A Website must deliver leads constantly. Make sure your website features in the results. Do you know what your customers are looking for or how your competition is attracting visitors to their websites?
We have the tools and the expertise to find out and turn this valuable information into results for your website. We have a team of certified experts who understand Search Traffic and how it affects your bottom line. More traffic to your site is good, but more qualified traffic equals more revenue.
Benefits of SEO Services
Higher % ROI
Attract the right customers
Major Traffic Boost
Unlimited potential leads through website
Pre-Qualified Leads
Attract visitors with intent
Measurable Targets
Data backed reporting on pre-defined goals
Long Term Solution
Unlike paid advertising SEO has many long-term benefits
Strategic Focus
Work with Marketing & Sales teams on strategic goals
SEO Services Ireland
Today, SEO has become not only a web enhancement tool but one of the best internet marketing strategies and something you really need to invest some time in.
Are you aware of what SEO is, and what it can do for you and your site?
Read on to know more.
What is SEO and how does it work?
Search Engine Optimisation SEO is the system of tweaking a website’s visibility so that it ranks higher in a search engine’s results. Used as part of your overall online marketing strategy, SEO services increase your website visibility above all businesses in Google.
A reliable SEO agency will focus on Local SEO, link building, and gauge their success on KPI’s and align all of this with your digital marketing strategy and social media marketing plans.
They will know who your competitors are in the market and have a firm understanding about your company goals and services. SEO services are only part of the bigger picture, but crucial in providing insight into all of your marketing plans.
Why does a website rank higher than others?
A query, when entered into a search engine, will provide a list of results containing the response to the said query.
Users, on the other hand, will tend to click the first few results – those at the top of the list – as they think these results are the most relevant to their search.
Research shows that the number one result in Google will get on average over 30% of the clicks to that page.
So in reality, the first site you see isn’t necessarily the one that will have the best response to what you’re looking for – it’s just the website that’s optimised the best. (That is if you ignore the paid listing at the very top of the results). These are not there because an SEO agency have done their job. They are paid placements via Google Adwords.
Competitors will often use paid advertising to outrank your organic results and we have clients who focus on paid advertising only – because they can generate leads at a price point than enables them to generate revenue, with enough margin to make a profit.
SEO should reinforce your internet marketing strategies, increase organic traffic to your site month over month and drive more qualified leads, new business and ultimately, new clients
SEO helps you position your website strategically.
The site will be placed in the most critical areas; it will be put in areas where it’s mostly needed. SEO also aims to make your website easier to use by both the users and the system – search engines don’t easily understand certain web pages, hence it relies on SEO to figure out what each site is about.
What do you Need?
Want your website to rank well and stand out in the results list? Take note of these components – using them will help you get the best results for SEO.
Vital SEO Components
Your Title Goes Here
Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.
1. Keywords
Keywords are those words or phrases that you use throughout your content that enables the searchers to locate your site in search engines. Having the right keyword research is one of the most important tasks – if not the most – for your campaign, for search engine optimisation.
It’s extremely vital to understand which keywords you will use to make your website rank higher. The keywords will be the key to driving traffic to your sites and can make or break your ranking in search engine results.
Below is an example of a site that is only 2 months old. Because we researched the keywords and phrases potential customers are using to find similar services we are already getting targeted traffic to the site.
Once the keywords are chosen, ensure that the users will see information about these topics. If keywords are too competitive, use long-tail keywords instead (i.e. those with two to five words) so it’ll be easier to rank. Longer keywords mean less competition for those phrases in search engines.
A common question I get asked is how can I rank for X. Now X may be the most competitive keyword in your market so it will be highly competitive and will take a serious investment of both time and money to get your website to feature in the results and make the ROI work. If you look at this in a different way you will still get the same results but without the major expense.
Let’s look at the following example to see how you can still get results without fighting battles with the big guys.
Keyword X has 10,000 searches a month Globally, its a very competitive market and has some of the biggest companies featuring in the results. These companies may spend hundreds of thousands of Euros on SEO to get these results because they know the value it brings to their business if they are number one. To go after this keyword phrase will take time and potentially a lot of money.
Now let’s look at an alternative. Keywords X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 each net about 2000 searches a month globally and are far less competitive. There are some very small niche style websites in the results and we know straight away that we can get you ranking with only a percentage of the work required compared to the 10,000 a month keywords.
The end result is you still get the same amount of traffic to your website from people all looking for the same thing they are just looking for it in a different way. This example alone is why keyword research is so important to your business. Far more than you might ever think. Without the right keyword strategy, you are going to fail.
With years of Data and Analytics knowledge backing our team, we can find these high-value low competition keywords for you.
By building a web content strategy around these keywords you are going to get your information in front of the right people every time.
2. Content
You’ve always heard that ‘content is king’. This is also critical to the success of any SEO strategy. Search engines somehow understand when your site has great and reputable content. Keywords scattered all over won’t help if your content isn’t good. What you need to do instead is create content that’s not too complicated, brief, appealing and valuable.
Having good quality content on your web pages won’t only help you rank higher but also create positive experiences for your readers. Content comes in different shapes and forms; ensure that your content helps educate your customers. By doing so, you’ll become an authority which in turn will lead to more traffic coming to your site.
Another thing to consider is this. If you provide relevant and valuable content to your readers they are more inclined to come back to your website again, share your content via one of the Social Media channels which will result in more visitors to your website or because you have provided value you have a much greater chance of converting them into a customer where you have the ability to generate long term and repeatable sales.
3. Blogging and Social Media
Social media is present in SEO as well. Most content websites today are community-oriented, hence it’s best to create a well-known presence on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
Consistent blogging, on the other hand, is a good way to produce optimised content. Producing fresh content from time to time will make you relevant in Google’s eyes. You can share your posts on social networking sites, and being active in social media will send signals to search engines that such sites have both influence and authority.
You should not underestimate the power that Social Media can have on your business. 80% of buying decisions today start with a web search, a customer getting a referral from a friend on social media for a product or service does most of the work for you. The customer in this instance is getting validation from a friend that your product or service is good and therefore will be more inclined to avail of your services in the future. Free marketing at its best.
4. Backlinks
Backlinks are hyperlinks that connect a web page to your own site. Google will come up with your page rank in relation to the quantity and quality of these backlinks. But of course, quality still favours quantity.
Create the best possible site, so that people will talk about it, and will share your content as well as put links that lead to your site. Have newsworthy content and graphics that influence bloggers. By doing so, more backlinks will be produced.
A word of warning about backlinks though do not under any circumstances go out and buy them for your website and make sure whatever SEO you decide to use does not participate in this practice either. A recent update almost annihilated a lot of online businesses because they were using this strategy to rank their websites. More on this later
5. Mobile, Alt Tags and Images
Other minor components also play a part in SEO.
Meta tags play an important role in optimising search engines. Entering a keyword in a search engine will provide results and indicate how the keyword is reflected on the page. Search engines such as Google will look at the title and see its relevance on the said keyword.
If you think images aren’t too useful, then think again. Some consumers look not only in the site’s content but also in the images inside them. Quality images that contain relevant keywords will also help your site rank well in the results’ page. Just look at the success of any of the newer style news websites. It’s all about images supported by some text. By using images you are giving your users that ability to share interesting stories with their friends on Facebook or associates and business colleagues on LinkedIn or Twitter. Sometimes it only takes one picture to get a website noticed because it has gone viral. I have experienced this in the past on another website where a single post attracted over 20,000 hits in a single day. Imagine if that was your website.
Mobile optimisation is also a huge factor, as Google states certain sites might be penalised if it’s not too mobile friendly, hence will have lower page rank.
6. SEO Ireland Audit - Starting with a solid base.
An SEO audit should form part of every seo services engagement. Not to be confused with a company audit, this is designed to benchmark your site against all competition in the top results. It will also provide a baseline for all the work required to get your site performing at the top.
Local SEO is hugely important to a company with a shop or building offering customer facing services or products, because they rely on customers walking in the front door of their company to make a purchase.
Country-wide seo services rely on a broader set of rules. Take Ireland as an example. If you want to sell products and services across the country or even abroad then you need to optimise for much more.
Keyword rankings will be uncovered during an audit and this process should be repeated monthly to track progress. Any professional seo company will do this automatically as they have a suite of tools to do it on auto-pilot.
If you are utlising link building as part of your seo services then a report will be required to track existing links, but also new link placements and success rates per campaign.
A full technical SEO audit is always a great starting point. This gives you a baseline to track the results from day 1. Any good SEO agency will always start with this. It keeps everything transparent and allows for more concise reporting.
Why use SEO?
It’s undeniable that search engine optimisation SEO is one of the best marketing strategies available to you today for both local and Ireland wide campaigns. If you’re not too convinced, then here are some reasons why SEO is the best path for you:
More Brand Awareness
How can you be the best if nobody’s heard of you yet?
You might be well known to some in your direct vertical, but you still have to work hard in getting your name out into the market to those outside of this vertical or direct market regardless, even if you are not immediately going to convert these new prospects into customers.
Using SEO as a tool to expand your horizons and play in different markets will benefit you in the long run as you build yourself upkeep increasing brand awareness.
Increased Traffic
Once SEO efforts are initiated, you’ll see a significant increase in traffic. The more clicks you get, the more exposure you have, and the higher potential you have to convert visitors into sales. If it’s a local SEO campaign, this means more visitors through the doors of your shop.
You’ll stand out from the rest
By doing SEO, you’ll stand out. You’ll be noticed immediately. Amongst the millions of sites on the Internet, you’ll be the one clicked first. By gaining that most coveted top spot amongst the millions of sites on the Internet, you’ll be the one clicked first. By gaining that most coveted top spot on the results page, you’ll have a real advantage.
There are a lot of perks in doing search engine optimisation. It might feel like a strange new world at first, but rest assured that with SEO, the rewards will be worth the risk you take. It has been proven effective, so take that first step and enjoy the benefits that SEO can bring.
Local SEO services optimisation gets your business in front of the right customers.
Better Return on Investment
No other marketing strategy can match the conversion rate that SEO can bring.
What search engines like Google do is match people with a specific need based on their search engine request up with the websites of those companies that provide a service or product that closely matches the customer request.
Once you see this in action you will realise that there is a whole other market out there that you need to focus on.
Think about this, you are getting people directly to your business website based on a request for help or information on a product or service that you provide.
All you have to do is capture this user information and then convert it into a lead and finally to a sale.
How long does SEO take to work?
This is a common question and one with no single answer.
The Search Engine algorithms are very complex and at this stage understand enough about any particular website to know whether it should feature in the results or not.
How you go about getting your website to feature is based on all of the points we have covered earlier in this post.
Quick results with SEO
It is not uncommon to get some quick wins when you roll out a functional and quality SEO strategy. You may be selling a product or service that is bespoke in your area and therefore will be filling a void in the search results so may rank quickly for these terms.
One of our SEOs ranked a legal firm on the first page of Google after two weeks for their primary service they offer out to clients. This obviously resulted in a happy client and one very happy SEO guy. We found a gap in the search results and targeted it with some very specific content and that was it.
Long Term SEO Strategy
If you are in a very competitive market then SEO can take considerably longer to give you the results you need to get your business ranked well in the search results.
This is where a lot of companies back away from the conversation. They have all seen the emails, websites and promises to get your site ranking at number one guaranteed.
Thats the thing – there are no guarantees ever.
You are playing against the might of Google and the rest of the search engines and it’s their rules we have to abide by.
Yes, you can rank a website in the first position but we will only use proven and safe methods of doing so. Just a while ago there was an update in the algorithms that knocked out thousands of websites across the globe.
These sites were part of a series of Private Blog Networks that some SEOs were using to rank customer websites. The knock on effect was that it also impacted customer websites when it went down.
Some websites have been de-indexed altogether – not something you want for your business.
To get the benefits of SEO for your business you need to invest in the right strategy.
This strategy, depending on the competition may take some time to show you a return on investment, but done properly will deliver consistent results over a much longer period of time. A quick win is always local SEO to help drive customers to the door of your business.
Also because the ranking factors of Google search change so frequently you will need to factor in updates and tweaking to keep ahead of the competition.
A sound SEO strategy is a long term investment so make sure you invest wisely. At Yourweb, we only use proven SEO strategies to help your business get more exposure in the search results that will stand the test of time and perform as expected.
Summary of Search Engine Optimisation
Only by having a stable quality SEO strategy for your business can you give yourself the best chance to land a top position in the search results.
Stick to the rules and you should be fine, bend or ignore them and your website may very well disappear from the results altogether.
SEO will, without a doubt, be the biggest strategic change you make to your online business but it will also be the one thing that will bring you the highest return on investment of all online and marketing strategies in the long run.

Why not arrange a call or meeting with one of our Ireland SEO team?
Further reading
Your Title Goes Here
Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.
SEO Packages Ireland
This refers to a range of search engine optimisation services designed to help businesses in Ireland improve their online visibility and increase organic traffic.
These packages are tailored to meet the specific needs of Irish businesses, taking into account local competition, target audience, and industry trends.
By offering a variety of customisable plans, we can provide businesses with the essential tools and strategies to boost their search engine rankings, drive targeted traffic, and enhance their online presence.
Search Engine Rankings
Search engine rankings refer to the position of a website or webpage on the results page of a search engine, such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
High rankings are crucial for businesses, as they lead to increased visibility, website traffic, and ultimately, conversions. Various factors, such as relevant keywords, quality content, and a user-friendly website design, influence a website’s position in the search results.
To improve their search engine rankings, businesses invest in search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies, which aim to optimize their websites according to the algorithms used by search engines.
Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)
Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) are the pages displayed by search engines in response to a user’s search query. They typically consist of a list of organic search results, along with paid advertisements and other relevant information, such as featured snippets, local listings, and image results.
SERPs play a crucial role in a website’s visibility, as higher-ranked websites are more likely to be clicked on by users.
Businesses invest in SEO strategies to improve their presence on SERPs, targeting relevant keywords and creating high-quality content to attract and engage users.
SEO Prices Ireland
SEO cost can vary dramatically across Ireland and it really comes down to what you are looking for. There is no one size fits all solution when it comes to SEO and we have seen huge shifts in SEO pricing for both small and medium-sized businesses.
SEO packages are bundles of search engine optimization services designed to improve a website’s search engine rankings and online visibility.
These packages can include a variety of services, such as keyword research, on-page optimization, content creation, link building, and technical SEO audits. By offering different plans and pricing tiers, SEO agencies cater to the unique needs and budgets of various businesses.
SEO packages enable businesses to streamline their SEO efforts, ensuring that they have access to the most effective strategies for achieving their online goals.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving a website’s visibility on search engine results pages by optimizing its content, structure, and technical aspects.
SEO involves various techniques, such as keyword research, content creation, on-page optimization, and link building, to enhance a website’s relevance and authority in the eyes of search engines.
The primary goal of SEO is to increase organic traffic, which can lead to higher conversion rates, better user experience, and overall business growth.
Google Rankings
Google rankings refer to the position of a website or webpage on Google’s search engine results pages. Achieving high Google rankings is essential for businesses, as it leads to increased visibility, website traffic, and potential customers.
Google uses a complex algorithm to evaluate and rank websites, taking into account factors such as relevance, quality, user experience, and credibility.
To improve their Google rankings, businesses invest in SEO strategies that align with Google’s guidelines and best practices.
Affordable SEO Packages
Affordable SEO packages are cost-effective bundles of search engine optimisation services designed to help businesses improve their online presence without breaking the bank.
These packages typically include a range of essential SEO services, such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and content creation, tailored to suit the specific needs and budgets of small to medium-sized businesses.
Be wary of affordable SEO packages though, as without the right funding these do not often deliver your desired results.